Why subscribe?

This site isn’t intended as a revenue stream, and isn’t meant to supplement my income as an author in any way. I created this site to give readers and industry professionals a landing page when they search for me, and to have something to link to whenever I get a byline somewhere. As a small added benefit, it gives me a place to jot down random thoughts or post short works that I don’t want to subject to the submissions process.

If you do decide to subscribe, here’s a short breakdown of where your subscription goes.

- A portion goes to Substack, because that’s how they make money

- A smaller portion goes toward maintaining the site, whether that’s registering domain names, hiring web designers, or paying graphic designers to generate assets

The rest goes to non-profit charities to promote literacy (this list may change over time):

World Literacy Foundation
Reading is Fundamental

Paid subscriptions are entirely optional. To the extent possible, everything I post on the site will be available to free users. Subscribers will get an email newsletter a few times per year detailing the date and amount of any charitable contributions I made with my subscription income.

And that’s it.

Subscribe to A Fictionalized Account

Weekly microfiction, monthly flash fiction, and infrequent essays. All profits go to charities to promote literacy.


Writer, musician, red mage