Last week, I posted a few horror stories I wrote for friends based on their randomly chosen prompts and word counts. I’m continuing the game this week with another four horror stories from a fresh set of volunteers. Enjoy!
Story #5
Kill Order
Prompt: Have (72 words)
“What’ll you have?”
The killer scanned the menu, suddenly nervous. Weren’t teenagers supposed to run when they saw him?
“Uhh, the number one.” Stupid. He was already messing this up.
“Here or to go?”
“For here,” he said. Menacingly.
The killer searched his pockets. Knife, club, spare mask. No wallet.
“Oh. Sorry.”
“No worries, man.” The kid tapped the screen. “Ready in five.”
You’ll be dead in five!
“Nothing. Thanks.”
Story #6
Photo Finish
Prompt: Cheese (77 words)
“I’d like these in a collage, and an extra five-seven for my husband.”
Cindy checked for the usual signs. Bruises. Scrapes. Burns.
Found them.
“12.99,” she said.
The woman hesitated. “I said—”
“No charge on the five-seven,” Cindy explained. “We’re running a special.”
“Thank you,” she whispered.
Cindy watched the photos as they printed. Memorized the address, the neighborhood, the husband’s face.
Three days later, Cindy caught him leaving work, loaded Five-SeveN in hand.
“Say cheese.”
Story #7
The Little Things
Prompt: Rice (82 words)
Smith used to think the kidnapper was careless. He left prints everywhere: the bathroom, the living room, the pantry.
Now he understood. It was part of a larger statement. He only stole things he didn’t think you would miss. A piece of mint floss. A battery from the TV cabinet. A grain of rice from the cupboard.
Your six-year-old.
“Detective Smith? We’re almost done here.”
“Two partials on the salt shaker.”
Smith nodded. Told himself the profile mattered.
Almost believed it.
Story #8
July 4th
Prompt: Firework (8 words)
Our grandfather — forgetful, confused — whimpers at every sound.
That’s all for this week. Thanks to everyone who participated (Sam, Shirley, Melody, Sarah, Devin, Justin, Megan, and Asa), and thanks to everyone for reading, commenting, and sharing with your friends. I’ll be back next week with the usual 100-word story, and might have time for an essay later this month.
Until then, have a happy Monday, and a delightfully spooky October.