With all the talk of social media boycotts, I thought this would be a good time to repost an old story of mine. I submitted this one to a horror microfiction contest years ago in response to the “Social Media” prompt. It didn’t win, but it landed somewhere among the runners up, which got me a publication in a real life anthology that you could buy on Amazon. I can’t remember how I celebrated, but I’m sure I marked the occasion somehow.
Being so old, it’s a bit dated in some ways, but I feel like the spirit of the thing still rings true. Enjoy!
The Birds
We laughed when we saw the headline: “Twitter Destroys Local School.” Nobody took it literally, until we saw the pictures.
We’ll never know how it started. Twitter headquarters is a mess, full of feathers and broken windows and bodies with eyes plucked out like grapes. We’d organize a resistance, but how? Our only means of communication is trying to kill us.
There’s still hope left. It’s quiet now. Some of us are trying to reach the mountains, hoping to wait it out. If we can.
“A billion tweets per week,” they boasted. I wonder how many are left.

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